sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

What I find miself good at is undressing roles people tend to dress me in.

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

Я не поклонился самому безжалостному богу. Время меня лупит и ломает пока не загонит меня в землю.

miercuri, 12 ianuarie 2011

Nothing of me is original.
I'm the combined effort of everybody I've ever known.

luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

Just checking. Feel free to find yourself among these statements....if you can:


You feel supreme...................even if you don't want to...............(who doesn't)
You feel you don't need anything..........


You feel that you can only help others, and not be helped by yourself..............

You feel you don't need help..................as long as it is coming by itself........

You feel pleasure from helping................. still feel pity for people you help........

even if you don't want to...............cause you feel you are good one............

and feeling pity makes you feel yourself supreme............. and you don't want to...................


You feel people cannot give you more than you ask them for............... as long as you don't ask them............


You feel you've done everything right, so that everything goes right...........................

All you are to do is enjoy it, and this is what you do....................

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

ce poate fi mai paradoxal decyt existentsa??

joi, 6 ianuarie 2011

eviţi oglinda cel puţin pt câteva zile ca să te cunoşti mai bine